I didn’t want to come out to my therapist when I’m struggling to come out to friends and family. Why don’t you go to her, too?” But I never went because I was so frightened at the idea of having to come out. My friend said, “Well, I go to this therapist. KF: I was 15 or 16 and struggling after having come out. PGN: What inspired you to get into therapy? She’ll help people figure out what sorts of foods are best for them, while also factoring in other lifestyle things like sleep or exercise to help them be as physically healthy as possible. It’s a more holistic version of a nutritionist. Then we have what’s called a holistic-health coach. We have an acupuncturist and an herbalist. It’s also a type of bodywork, but it’s a bit more nontraditional. We also have somebody who will be providing reiki, which is energy healing. The third one we’re offering is called trauma-touch therapy. If you’re stressed, your body holds that tension. Another massage therapy that will be offered is the more traditional therapeutic massage. One type is called myofascial release, which is a specific technique used to work with injuries. KF: There are several different types of massage therapy.